Friday, October 26, 2007


I've been hearing about RSS for quite some time and I had a general idea of what it was all about, but I hadn't tried it until this week. And I must say that I love it! I'm pretty lazy about getting on the computer and checking the things I want to keep up on and this system makes it a lot easier to keep track of things with less work. I like less work.

So here's the link to my bloglines account (if I did it right):

I planned on going to a concert tomorrow, but I discovered this morning that it happened earlier this week. If I'd had a bloglines account sooner, I probably would have realized that. argh...

I'm hoping this will help me to keep up on professional items a little more, such as the ALSC and YALSA blogs. Heck, I even put the SPL YS book reviews on it. Maybe that will inspire me to post to it. I think my next step is to see how I can get it all organized.

This is fun!

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