Friday, October 26, 2007


I started playing around with the links in the SPL 2.0 blog and was rather overwhelmed. Feedster is pretty and it seems like it would be really great for browsing, but I could see myself getting overloaded with feeds if I played around on it too much. I already have 24! Topix was ok and I think I might like Technorati once I watch the tutorial, but I am not able to listen to sound at the moment. I did not much care for Syndic8 because it seemed "tech-y" and not intuitive for me (although I did just see a podcast feed featured on the site that I might be interested in - maybe I'll just peek in on the page every once in a while to see what's there).

The bloglines tutorial showed me how to keep up with flickr accounts so I've added one to my list so far, but I made it private because pictures are more personal. I finally realized yesterday that I should check the sites I have on my account to see if I can grab some feeds off of those and I found quite a few that I had saved and then never really bothered to check but on a very irregular basis. Most of them are book reviews and library types of things and I think that having a bloglines account will definitely help me keep up to date. For instance, the YALSA blog let me know what the 2007 Teens Top 10 are which was good since I neglected to put the voting period in my calendar. Now I know I can make a top 10 display! I also found out yesterday that I could get feeds of everything in my account, but not everything I saved has feeds so I'd have to poke around that some to figure out how it works. I probably won't since I have my nice bloglines account, but I might...

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