Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I have a favorite letter!!!

I have actually had a favorite letter since I was about 9 or so. That's why I'm so enamored of this Unshelved cartoon.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm still around

That's all really. I want to put a GoodReads widget on my page, but I can't do it. I don't update All Consuming anymore, so I'll just put a good book on that one every once in a while. Yeah...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bookchase - the game

I'm curious about this game. I was casually thinking about getting it just to check it out and then I saw that it ships from England. They might have it easily available for us U.S.-ers but I haven't really investigated it yet. Looks like it might be just my kind of nerdy fun :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Final Post for SPL2.0

I used Google docs to make a presentation addressing the points in our final thing. Here it is:


I think I will be checking out other people's blogs now that I am not worried about getting the "things" done and then maybe I will talk to them about some of the things we have discovered in the course of the process. Then it will really be collaborative for me (I did collaborate some - when I needed help or other people needed help, but I haven't really discussed a lot of these things with people).


I tried one of the podcasting tools and found some interesting things. OF course when I wanted to watch one I had to install something (I figured I would) so I had to stop. I'll explore more in depth later. It's nice to have the SPL 2.0 blog to go to for all of the different links to things. If I keep checking bloglines at home, maybe I will add one.

Actually, i think I did save one when I first set up the account, but I never look at it because I'm usually at work when I check my feeds.

oopsy (#20)

Somehow I missed the beginning of week 9 so I'm a little out of order on my posts. I'm sure I could manage my posts into being in order, but I'm not going to. I suppose I should have put the "thing" numbers in my post titles, but I didn't. Then I'd be sure not to miss anything. That would be a good rule of thumb if this is offered again.

So here's my take on the downloadable audio: I like our databases. I'm checking out the African American music database, specifically the Supernatural Hoodoo Blues playlist. I would listen to this at home if I were in the right mood, of course. I think I'll try the Smithsonian one next... I wasn't able to get on. They say their tech service is workign to restore access :(

Now it's working (1 minute later). I've been wanting to listen to some Buddhist monks chanting and I had a difficult time finding what I want. I didn't think to check here! I looked and found something, but it's not precisely what I want. And then I kept getting error messages. So I switched to Pandora.


I've looked at Librivox before, but I've never actually listened to anything from it. My only concern would be the quality of the reading since it's all done by volunteers, but the only way to find out how it sounds is to have a listen. I took a look at the recently cataloged and saw they had Shakespeare stories done by E Nesbit which I'd be curious about. I think this would be a great way to get some exposure to things I might not normally come across since everything is in the public domain. I'll have to remember to check there when I'm in the mood for an audiobook on the weekend and can't pick one up at the library.