Friday, November 30, 2007


I think part of the reason I am falling behind on my 2.0 stuff is the bloglines account I set up a little while ago. I really enjoy having all of the stuff I'm interested in come up so easily. I might actually pay attention to the news now! It's also allowing me to keep up with some of the professional stuff that I struggled to pay attention to before. However, it still takes some time to go through it all. On another note, playing around with all of these different websites and exploring what's out there has gotten me back into the habit of surfing. After school, I developed something of an aversion to being online/on the computer, but I seem to be getting over it now that I have found so many things I want to keep up on.


I'm a month behind! I took a look at the delicious and technorati stuff, but once again was stopped by video. I usually do this 2.0 stuff when I am at the desk, so videos pose a challenge to me. Usually when I am not scheduled to be on desk I have too many other things to do. Since I already have a delicious account I think I will skip to the next week which is wikis. I'll have to check out technorati in more detail later. I thought it was pretty neat and it led me to some cool places, but it also seemed a little confusing to me.
I'm curious about the wiki week because I don't know anything except the basics on them, so it should be informative (as long as I don't need to rely on a video :)